ripped grocery bags

Because of my lengthy bout of singleness, I have developed a habit. The habit is that when I carry my groceries in from the car, I ALWAYS attempt to do it in one trip no matter how many groceries I may be carrying. No you might think, what does this have to do with you being single, to which I would say...possibly nothing, I just always chalk it up to not having anyone around to assist with the grocery carrying. It may be, however, only connected to the fact that I am lazy. I'll have to ponder that more.

Tonight, as I was lugging some fresh healthy delicacies up the driveway to the house, I was having a very difficult time of it. The bags that I had were awkwardly packed. I proceeded to rip two of them almost immediately upon exiting the car. As I climbed the slight hill on our driveway I found myself on a patch of ice at which point I almost slid down the hill or worse yet almost went crashing to the ground, groceries and all.

As I struggled to open the garage door and then the door into the kitchen I had an epiphany. It got me thinking about the kind of resolutions people make in the New Year. I believe I mentioned yesterday that because I have already commit this year to the Lord I have no desire to set resolutions beyond just digging deeper in the commitments I have already made.

Tonight however as I tumbled through the door with my ripped grocery bags a few little things that I would like to try to improve on in the year to come came to mind..

The first thing is, being one of those people who ALWAYS remembers their reusable grocery bags. Now this has nothing to do with any deep desire to be green. More than anything, they are just WAY easier to carry because of their lovely carrying straps. If I can help be a good steward of the world annnnnd not drop all my groceries as I carry them into the house in one giant trip, then I would call that a success.

Another thing I want to be more conscious of is nail care. I have TERRIBLE nails. They crack and break, I peel them and bite them when I get stress. I STINK at polishing my nails like a real girl and I want to be better.

Actually, while I am on that subject. I want to be better at all things girly. Somewhere along this journey so far I felt the Lord tell me that during this time I would develop my style. Not me trying to be someone else or me "not caring" and being messy and lazy. Me being a woman who is comfortable in her skin, makeup, clothes etc. I want to find that balance and embrace it.

I want to read more. I struggle with falling asleep when I read but I want to find ways to avoid that. I LOVE to read and I want to do it more.

I am sure there are a million more things but the last one I'll mention is this, in 2017 I want to be fearless and check items off my bucket list. Yes I have a bucket list don't judge me. It actually is a list I made in relationship to achieving my health goals. One of the things on it is the Marathon in October but there are many other things. Someday I know the Lord will have me share them all but not today. They are personal and intimate. Some of them made me cry when I wrote the list.

I want to stop watching life pass me by.

So there you have it, a little train of fresh resolve started by some ripped grocery bags...


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