expectant heart
I love Christmas.
There is really nothing I don't love about Christmas. The twinkling lights, the smells of cinnamon and peppermint, the music, even the Christmas story in the Bible is one of my favorites.
The only thing that I don't like about Christmas is the tendency to get into a rut of busyness and miss all the beauty of it. It's a season that can get full of many other things that it's easy to forget to take the time to really enjoy it.
I can already see the potential of this for me. Life is full. I'm up to my eye balls in work. I'm living, breathing and dreaming about our Christmas musical at church. There are so many details to think through, props, lines, costumes, song lyrics etc, etc.
But I don't want to miss the joy.
I want to take time to slow down and BREATH.
I want to focus my heart on the reason behind the celebration. The sacrifice of a God made man on our behalf. I want to quiet myself before the Lord and unrush my spirit.
This concept is harder for me than you can even imagine but I KNOW the Lord is teaching me through stillness and quiet. I want to seek Him like the wisemen did, with unwavering resolve. I don't want to settle for anything less than drawing into the presence of the King of Kings. I want to praise Him like the angels did, lifting my heart and my voice to bring Him the praise and adoration that He deserves. I want to spread His message like the shepherds did, so bubbling over with joy that I cannot contain it. Lastly, I want to cherish Him like Mary did. I want to capture and savor every moment in the presence of Jesus, and ponder them in my heart.
As I think of advent and preparing myself for the coming of the King, there is a worship song that is running through my head. It says:
The more I seek youThe more I find youThe more I find youThe more I love youI want to sit at your feetDrink from the cup in your handLay back against you and breathFeel you heartbeatThis love is so deepIt's more than I can standI melt in your peaceIt's overwhelming.I want to be overwhelmed by the presence of the Lord. I want to sit at His feet and soak up everything He has to offer. I want to be so close to Him that I can feel the beat of His heart.
This Christmas season, I'm going to breathe. I'm going to find moments of peace and solitude. I'm going to chase after joy and wallow in the incredible gift that Christ is.
My heart is expectant.
My hands are open.
Come Lord Jesus,
I welcome you.
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