This evening was a family Christmas party. Last night was my work Christmas party.
The holiday season is in full swing.
If you are a member of my immediate family, you know that we have a Christmas tradition. Every year before we open presents, we listen to the Christmas story. More specifically since I was a little girl, I recite it.
Tonight, on a microphone to a gym filled with my extended family, I recited it again.
As we prayed the Lord's Prayer all together, I was stricken by the deep foundation that I have.
Last night at my work party, it was far from the typical office party. Instead of drunken hook ups and embarrassing stories the next week at the office, we had worship. Instead of secret Santa and gift exchanges we celebrated years of incredible service. In stead of spiked punch and Santa, we had communion.
I am grateful to work at a place that is PART of my deep foundation. I remember many times going to the mission as a little girl and standing on a stage in a room that I spend a LOT of time now, singing songs and reciting scripture.
I have been so fortunate to have been placed in a family that has given me a love for the Lord and taught me the value of service and a passion for Gods word. My family is very far from perfect but I am deeply grateful for the person that they have made me. I have been blessed beyond belief to be raised in an environment where the Lord is welcome at every gathering.
As a little girl, I soaked up scripture and truths that my parents taught me and they still ring through my heart.
I'll never forget that in one of the darkest moments of my life, words that my mother taught me around the dinner table as a little girl came rushing to my mind.
"What is my only comfort in life and in death? That I with body and soul, both in life and death, am not my own, but belong unto my faithful Savior Jesus Christ; who, with his precious blood, hath fully satisfied for all my sins, and delivered me from all the power of the devil..."
What a tremendous consolation.
For many years in my younger days I struggle with the fact that I didn't "have much of a testimony."
I was a church kid. I couldn't even tell you when I was saved. I have a very vague recollection of praying a prayer with my dad after church while wearing some red corduroy overalls.
I went to Christian school.
I have been in church almost every Sunday of my life.
I worked at the Christian Bookstore in high school and have been in full time ministry the massive majority of my adult life.
I really don't remember a time where the Lord wasn't the most important thing in my life, not because I was always obedient, but because I was always aware of His presence.
As I have walked through a a lot of struggle this last month or so, I have not been crushed. I know that it is because I have a heart that is rooted and founded in Christ.
No, it is not perfect.
Yes, I still screw up all time.
But my hope, my foundation is Jesus.
The holiday season is in full swing.
If you are a member of my immediate family, you know that we have a Christmas tradition. Every year before we open presents, we listen to the Christmas story. More specifically since I was a little girl, I recite it.
Tonight, on a microphone to a gym filled with my extended family, I recited it again.
As we prayed the Lord's Prayer all together, I was stricken by the deep foundation that I have.
Last night at my work party, it was far from the typical office party. Instead of drunken hook ups and embarrassing stories the next week at the office, we had worship. Instead of secret Santa and gift exchanges we celebrated years of incredible service. In stead of spiked punch and Santa, we had communion.
I am grateful to work at a place that is PART of my deep foundation. I remember many times going to the mission as a little girl and standing on a stage in a room that I spend a LOT of time now, singing songs and reciting scripture.
I have been so fortunate to have been placed in a family that has given me a love for the Lord and taught me the value of service and a passion for Gods word. My family is very far from perfect but I am deeply grateful for the person that they have made me. I have been blessed beyond belief to be raised in an environment where the Lord is welcome at every gathering.
As a little girl, I soaked up scripture and truths that my parents taught me and they still ring through my heart.
I'll never forget that in one of the darkest moments of my life, words that my mother taught me around the dinner table as a little girl came rushing to my mind.
"What is my only comfort in life and in death? That I with body and soul, both in life and death, am not my own, but belong unto my faithful Savior Jesus Christ; who, with his precious blood, hath fully satisfied for all my sins, and delivered me from all the power of the devil..."
What a tremendous consolation.
For many years in my younger days I struggle with the fact that I didn't "have much of a testimony."
I was a church kid. I couldn't even tell you when I was saved. I have a very vague recollection of praying a prayer with my dad after church while wearing some red corduroy overalls.
I went to Christian school.
I have been in church almost every Sunday of my life.
I worked at the Christian Bookstore in high school and have been in full time ministry the massive majority of my adult life.
I really don't remember a time where the Lord wasn't the most important thing in my life, not because I was always obedient, but because I was always aware of His presence.
As I have walked through a a lot of struggle this last month or so, I have not been crushed. I know that it is because I have a heart that is rooted and founded in Christ.
No, it is not perfect.
Yes, I still screw up all time.
But my hope, my foundation is Jesus.
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