Christmas eve
It's Christmas Eve.
Technically as I am writing this it is actually Christmas Day.
Today was restful.
I couldn't help but recognize again today the affects that my singleness has on this holiday, but today, it was pleasant. I spent time in peace and stillness. I folded some laundry and wrapped some presents. I took a nap.
I didn't leave the house the entire day.
I rested. There was no expectation on me for this day at all. I played cards and "Heads-up" and generally did pleasant things.
I took a break, from goals, from work, from life. I paused.
It was refreshing and I am grateful.
I am also grateful that as I am refreshed I am also feeling equipped and motivated to jump right back into my usual rhythm. I feel eager to keep moving forward. This, is progress for me.
Through out my life I have struggled with making exceptions for myself because without fail, those exceptions would become the rule. It's something that I have battled for a long time. The moment I take one day off from a run, I take 10. The moment I eat one slice of pizza, I fall of the "wagon" for a month.
I haven't mastered this by ANY means, but I can see myself growing, changing, and improving step by step and day by day.
Today was an exception.
It was a time to lay down what I have picked up and celebrate and relax with my family.
Tomorrow...or today as it actually stands (Lots of late night rounds of Rook) will be another exception. I am planning to fill it with laughter, good food, lots of fun, hugs from my sweet nieces and nephews, lazy moments watching movies with people I care deeply for and all types of pleasantries.
But guess what, tomorrow is an exception, not the rule.
How sweet to pause from everything and remember the sacrifice made for us when Christ came to earth.
How sweet to savor moments of His grace and mercy.
How wonderful that He calls us to moments of sacrifice and obedience of our own, but also that He gives us moments of mercy.
He is so good.
I am so blessed.
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