the achey legs

As long as I can remember, my body has done this odd thing.

When I am on the verge or getting sick or even of getting period (sorry if that's TMI), I have gotten a weird ache in my legs.

It happens in my calves and I have no clue why it happens. I have affectionately named the phenomenon, the achey legs.

It is a familiar pain whenever it comes.

I bringing this up because for the past few days I have been struggling with my "achey legs." I don't know why but once again here they are.

I can't pretend like this is making my whole "seven goals a day" thing easy, particularly when it comes to the goal of running.

As I lay in my bed, miserable and sore with this pain, paired with some exhaustion, it is 8:00pm. It's pitch black outside already and after running around all day I have not been able to muster up the energy to complete my one mile minimum run for the day.

Oh I still plan to do it. In fact when I close this laptop I will lace up my shoes and go run laps around the church parking lot so I wont get hit by a car on the road.

As I lay in my bed just now, pondering what I was grateful for, it was hard to think past the ache I was feeling. Then a thought came to me.

Today I am grateful for the pain.

There will always be pain in life because of sin.

The pain will always make it hard to obey.

But God is gracious in the midst of our deepest pain.

I cannot even pretend like the last couple days have been the most victorious of this journey, they haven't even come close. I am tired. I don't feel well, and I hurt. It's not just the annoying soreness that I was experiencing from running hills and doing a MILLION squats. It's that unexplainable pain that I don't know how to stop. All I can do is push through it.

But life is like that too.

Uniquely part of the last couple days that have made me feel less than victorious is also the fact that I have been an emotional basket case. Why? I have no clue. But I have been. It's been something that is unexplainable but my only choice is to push through.

Even though I feel like a bit of a disaster, I am trying to lean into the Lord. But even when that doesn't go the way I want it to, I know that He is with me.

I haven't run the miles I wanted to, I haven't eaten as strictly as I wanted to. Every part of me just wants to collapse into my bed and stay here for a week. Until I stop crying and the pain goes away.

But the beauty of this is, and the thing that I am grateful for, is that not matter how much of a disaster I feel like, the Lord is on my side. He smiles at my broken obedience as I run my slowest mile time around the edge of the church parking lot, lap after broken lap.

He smiles as I through the bun off the chicken sandwich that I am shoveling in my mouth from a drive through because I haven't stopped for even a moment today.

Whether our pain is physical or deep in our heart, the Lord comforts those who are afflicted. He is near to those who are hurting.

Tonight, I am grateful for the pain, because it teaches me when to push through it with the help of my Lord and when to curl up in His arms and rest in His grace.

So aching heart or achey legs, I am glad for the reminder that I have a Savior who is my strength in weakness and who carries me when I cannot go on.


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