
Sitting here, at 10:36 CT, staring at the blank screen of a my macbook, I am on the verge of completing my final of my 7 daily commitments that I made to myself and to the Lord.

Today was a challenge for many reasons. 

I have struggled with my weight my entire life. In correlation with that, I have also struggled with healthy eating and exercise. Part of the journey that I am on, during this 33rd year, is one of discipline and self control in those areas. This is not something I have ever mastered. I have started many things, many times and have never quite made it to the finish line.

For 11 days now, I have gotten up each day and read the Word, prayed on my knees, made my bed, drank a gallon of water, eaten "clean," run at least a mile and written (for the last 7 days) in this blog.

I am doing these things not because I am legalistic but because I lack discipline.

I always have an excuse not to follow through.
"I'm so tired today, I can't exercise."
"I think I am getting my period, I need some chocolate."
"Today was the WORST, I can't even think about cooking right now, I'll just grab a pizza."
"I'm going to start tomorrow."
"Ugh, I can't start today, I forgot to eat breakfast and someone brought DONUTS."
"I'll start on Monday, it's always better to start a week off fresh."
The list could go on and on and on and on and on and on... (you get the idea)

Today could easily have been one of those days where I told myself, "Meh, I'll just take a little break. I've done really well for almost two weeks, I've EARNED a break."

There were a lot of factors that would have made it easy to throw in the towel.

I got up early to pack because I was traveling out of town and had to be at work an hour early to do chapel for the clients this morning. It would have been easy to sleep a little more and skip my morning time in the word and in prayer assuring myself that I will make time for it later.

At work, I was in such a hurry I forgot to grab my usual nutritional breakfast. It would have been very easy to drive through somewhere or pillage around for some kind of easy snack.

Then I spent a long majority of the day in the car. Do you know what a 32 oz bottle of water does to the bladder on a car ride?

When we got to our destination, (Chicago) we went with a friend for dinner. When we walked into the restaurant the whole front area was filled with a PLETHORA of candy. The first kind I saw was a rack of all the gummy candy. I am a SUCKER for gummy candy.

Last but not least, when on earth was I possibly going to run?

But here is the thing.
God called me to this journey.
He asked me to be disciplined.
So as this day progressed I did things in a different way than I would have two weeks ago.

This morning knowing I had to pack, I got up at 4:30 and spent time in the word and on my knees before I got ready for the day, knowing that if I didn't start the day that way, I might not do it at all.

When I got to work and my stomach began to gnaw, I paused my work, quickly sliced an apple and ate it with some peanut butter.

In the car after polishing off my water, I almost peed on the seat... Not my most victorious moment but I got my gallon in and I don't think I ever actually CRIED...even though I wanted too when we got delayed an hour and a half in CRAZY traffic.

Tonight at dinner, I had no sweets. I stuck with the rules I set for myself and you know what? I enjoyed it and didn't regret my choice for even a moment.

After it was all done, I ran.
I ran down strange streets, in a place that I didn't know about in the dark.
But I ran.

Now hear me clearly, I am not telling you this to make you think I am awesome.


I am telling you this, from the heart of a life long quitter.

If I can do this, so can you.

Jesus never calls us to walk down any road that He isn't prepared to walk down with us. He never leads us to any path that He wont give us exactly what we need to walk through.

His word says, "He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

What is Jesus asking from you?

He is a finisher.

Lets be finishers too.


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