10 days from today

In 10 days I will turn 33. I will enter my mid-thirties...

You should know a few things about me:

I am single.
I live in my parents basement.
I have struggled with my weight my entire life.
I work in a homeless shelter.
And most importantly, I love Jesus more than anything else in the world.

Due to some other things that I was processing through, I recently spent a few very focused days in prayer and at the end of it I had come to the conclusion that the Lord was asking me for a year of my life. My 33rd year...

It struck me as poetic that scholars often theorize that Jesus died when he was 33.

So here I find myself, approaching my 33rd year, attempting to follow in the footsteps of my Savior, by committing to die to myself. I am laying this year before the Lord in all of my glorious messiness trusting that He can use this mess to bring Him honor and glory.

So why am I writing? Well let me explain.

In the same season of prayer that the Lord asked me to give Him this year, He also flooded my heart with 7 very simple things He wanted me to do everyday.
  1. Read my Bible.
  2. Pray, on my knees.
  3. Write.
  4. Run at least a mile.
  5. Eat clean.
  6. Drink a gallon of water.
  7. and... (this is somewhat shameful for a woman who is almost 33)...make my bed.
I started working on these goals this week so as to get in the habit, checking each goal off as I accomplish them on a tally on my wall. It has been going well, but the one thing I have struggled with the most is "write". I felt a little lost as to what I should be writing but I knew that the Lord wanted me to be sharing this journey with others and today it came to me.

I am going to write something on this blog everyday. 

It may be a poem, an essay, a journal entry, some random rambling about how happy I am to take my bra off at the end of the day (true story, I wrote that this week) but it will be real. As the Lord works on my heart, I want to put my heart out there for others who might feel the same way, share the same hurt or struggle or maybe, somedays, just need a laugh.

My grammar may not always be on point, my life is busy and I may just be spewing words onto the screen between running from one thing to the next, but I promise to be real.

So welcome to my journey. I have no clue where I am going or what to expect but I know the Lord is already at the end and I trust that whatever He has planned is good.


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