trapped monkeys

I wrote a little about this the other day. The lord seems to be asking me to let go of things. Another common theme right now in my heart is "Open hands".

I am a story teller to the core of my being and so, often when I am interacting with a struggling client, I tell them some kind of story to give and example to what I am trying to help them with. One of my favorite is about the monkeys. 

Apparently the tribal people in like South America (I think) have a little trick when they hunt for monkeys.

They take a coconut and hollow it out. Then they attach the coconut to a tree or something stable with one small hole in it. Inside, they place some kind of treat. Something the monkey would really like to have.

Now, I guess that monkeys are pretty stubborn because what will happen is the monkey will com along, see the coconut, discover the treat, reach their hand in to get it annnnnd bam! They are trapped! 

Why are they trapped you ask? 

Well, they are trapped because an open hand going in is a smaller shape than a fist holding onto something. As long as they continue to hold onto the "treat" they cannot get away. 

But the trick is, they are always free to go.

They are in a prison of their own making, all they have to do is open their hand and let go. 

Just let that sink in for minute.

I will raise my hand and say I have spent far to much of my life being a monkey. I have held tightly to things that aren't mine to hold. I have refused to lay down things that are ABSOLUTELY not productive for me in any way shape or form and yet I can't seem to release them. I have let things go and then returned over and over to the same of traps thinking this time will be different. 

The Lord is beckoning to me to live with open hands. He wants me to let go of the things that entangle me and run his race with perseverance. He wants me to fix my eyes on Jesus the Author of my faith. 

Open hands equal an open heart. 

I said it the other day but I will say it again. I want to let go of everything I am holding and open my hands before the Lord. It is only then that he can fill them with things far better than I could ever ask for or fathom. 


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