As I grow older and continue to seek after the Lord, I am amazed how I, how am much an extravert, crave stillness. I crave solitude. I crave silence.
This weekend, I turned off much of the noise, put my phone on do not disturb and spent time in stillness and living a simpler form of life. It was lovely. It was necessary.
On Saturday afternoon I hung in my hammock in my brothers back yard and read to my nephew from The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. As I read, I was stricken by the imagery. It was beautiful and eloquent yet simple.
I crave simple, more than I ever realized.
In disconnecting for much of the weekend, yes, I missed chatting with my friends, but that was all I missed.
As I reconnected today and stepped back into all the pressures of regular life, I couldn't help wishing I were in my hammock in the woods reading CS Lewis or LM Montgomery.
I think this has all been a lesson in balance. In order to connect well, I need to balance that connection with disconnection. I need to take moments to step away and just be.
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