
SOOOOO...I wrote words last night and but they disappeared into oblivion somewhere. I have no idea where they went. Let's just be honest and say, it was probably the best blog I have ever written...too bad no one will ever read it. LOL

Anyway, today is a new day. Isnt that one of the lovely parts about life? No matter how we screw up the day before, today is always fresh with room to have dramatic highs and lows. There is room to crush things out of the park and room to fail miserably. I love that about life. I love that whatever happens whether triumph or failure God is God and He is still good. He is reigning on the throne high and lifted up.

Over the course of the last year or so I constantly find myself coming back to the statement that God is good. Tonight, from several different avenues, I was challenged by that thought. It seems so small. It seems incomplete. Sometimes when you dont know what else to say to a person who is struggling, it seems a little trite. A friend pointed out to me that we say things like "the peanut butter and jelly sandwich I had today was good." When you put it like that it does seem too common, too pedestrian or just plain too small.

I wanted to spend some time digging deep into the roots of the word and all the places it shows up in scripture, but I didnt have time. Instead something came to me and I decided to check it out. In Genesis 1:1 the Lord created the heavens and earth. It was basically unbelievable what was happening. Light was appearing out of darkness. The sun and moon and stars were hung in space. Planets were put into orbit. Life was created on earth through plants, animals and humans.

I spent a moment and looked up the account in mulitple translations and in each translation there was a word they all had in common, no matter how they may have differed.

It was GOOD.

GOOOOOOOD? It was spectacular. It was AMAZING!!! It was indescribable.

Just like God.

As I sit here thinking over my day I can't help thinking that it was good.

The Lord allowed some very good things to take place in this day. He worked through me in ways I neither expected or deserved. Why? Because He is good.

Sure, peanut butter is good too, but God is the standard of goodness.

He doesnt need an eloquent expression or any high faluting mumbo jumbo.

He is simply good, He cannot be anything else.

Words fail me to desribe the depth of what that means. We tell children, be a good little girl or boy because it is something they make a choice to be. God, well, He cannot help it.

He simply is good. He does what is good. He creates good things. He works things for the good.


Yes, He is rich in mercy and abunding in love.
Yes, He is slow to anger and longsuffering with us.
Yes, He is the creator of the universe and the giver of life.
Yes, He is our comforter and source of strength.
Yes, He is our Savior, Redeemer and Defender.

I could go on for days. He is EVERYTHING. But do you kow why He is all these things?

Because at the end of the day, when heaven and earth fail, when all things pass away, when relationships break and life falls apart, when everything is bad...


He is.

He cannot be otherwise.

So even thou it seems to small, even though it feels like it fails to measure up, when you strip away the granduer of all that He is, its really very simple.

God is good, all the time.
All the time, God is good.

Can I get an amen?


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