Do you ever just feel totally helpless? Like the situations and people in your life are just too much and you have NOTHING to offer that could possibly make things better?
Been there.
Like kind of a lot.
I'm there right now actually.
But it's ok to feel helpless because guess what? You are. I am. We are.
We are all helpless.
But we have a helper.
I work in a job that makes me feel totally under qualified and helpless basically everyday. Problems come across my path that I have NO CLUE what to do. But I have realized something and it has brought me to a place of freedom and confidence in the midst of my helplessness.
It's this, I don't have to try to play God, that's His job. MY job is simply to pray, speak truth and walk faithfully.
That's my job.
My very wise boss often reminds us not to get in the way of the Holy Spirit when He is working. I have found that sometimes His process is pretty ugly. Sometimes he works in the exact opposite way that I expect or want Him to. That, however, does NOT mean He is not working.
He is. He is doing exceedingly and abundantly more than we could ever ask or think!
Lift your helpless hands to the Lord.
Pray, trust and walk.
He is with us.
He is working.
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