pearls slipping off a string...

Of late, I have embarked on a few little jaunts away from my home to visit people that I love who dwell elsewhere. I love to go and see my friends bed to spend time with the people that I care about. This evening, I spent time some of my local girls who have become such precious people in my life, then spent an hour driving in the car with my brother.

Often the activities during the time with these chums are nothing of great consequence, just time spent with people I love. Every few months or so I also make some time to spend time with some other people I love, the characters of my favorite books. I have found that I can combine these things by listening to things like Anne of Green Gables and Pride and Prejudice as I drive in the car.

Yesterday, on my journey back from Ohio I was listening too Anne of Avonlea and was reminded of this quote:

"After all," Anne had said to Marilla once, "I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string."

As I have walked through the last 6 months of this commitment I have found that these kinds of days are more present than I ever realized. Days filled with simple pleasures, nothing grand or earth shattering just simple and sweet.

It's days where you sit up too late talking to your bestie, or spend an hour rolling your eyes at your brother as he prattles on about his usual nonsense. It's wandering the Meijer store for hours without even realizing it, laughing and giggling with friends new and old.

It's little things.

All sorts of little things that string together to make the big, grand, beautiful life that I am blessed to live.

I am blessed beyond measure.


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