seen, known, loved

Another verse in scripture that I love is Galatians 1:10.

Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.

As a born people pleaser, it is easy for me to look for my affirmation from the people that I am seeking to please instead of from the Lord.

The enemy is very quick to take any lack of affirmation and toss it in my face as being unloved in someway. "People don't actually care about you. They only like you because of what you will do for them or because you are funny. Don't think that they actually care about your heart. When life gets tough, your basically on your own."

It's incredibly obnoxious because he has used this tactic over and again in my life and it is not true. There has never been a moment when I have been on my own.

As a servant of Christ, I do not need affirmation from man. I am seen, known and loved with a passion beyond my wildest dreams.

It's ok if people don't ask me how I am doing when I have had a difficult day. Jesus saw every moment of difficulty, He walked by my side. Now I know that God created us to be relational. He created us to build one another up. He created us to love each other and to help carry the burdens for one another.

But what I am saying is that as humans, we will always fail. We will take things for granted. We will be so focused on our own lives that sometimes we miss the fact that someone we really care about is really struggling. But Christ never will.

He sees our deepest hurts and weaknesses. He calls to us to come when we are weary and heavy laden so that he can offer us rest. He loves us in the deepest places of our heart that no one else wants to see.

I am constantly being reminded that I need to lean into His love for me, because He is so good. Even if everything else is stripped away. If every other beautiful relationship that I have in my life packed up and walked away from me, I would still be loved with a passion that cannot be explained.

He has blessed us with relationships here in this earth, but if everything else was stripped away, I need to trust that Jesus is enough. His love for me is all that matters, everything else is just an extra blessing that He lavishes on me...because He is so so good.


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