
I have 8 minutes to write before midnight hits.

Since I rose from my bed this morning I haven't paused or had much time alone. This weekend has been full of family and fun. It has been busy and I am grateful for this time. It has replenished my heart but also reminded me of the need for balance. I am so grateful for time with my family and long talks today with an old friend but there is a very real part of me that is intensely craving my quiet and some stillness.

As I have walked through all manner of chaos in the early parts of this journey, I have learned to steal quiet moments with the Lord. I cannot survive with out them.

I need them.

I crave them.

I find myself craving them in a way that I didn't before I started and for that I am so grateful.

In the chaos and in the quiet I am slowly learning that my strength and satisfaction lie with the Lord alone.


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