
I have a little confession. 

I find funerals a bit intimidating.

It's not because I am afraid or uncomfortable with death, I really am not. What I find intimidating is the eulogy. Have you ever noticed that every person who dies was the most amazing person who ever lived? I will be real, sometimes I sit in these services thinking, "Oh man, even if I start right now, I can never pull myself together enough to be as good as this person."

Now I know, people are going to want to share all of the great things about a person after they die. I get it. Those are the things we want to remember. I think, however, that it is not only ok, but also extremely important to acknowledge our deep humanness as well.

So, because I am kind of a morbid person and death is just on the brain, I'm going to take a moment to write my own eulogy of sorts. I'd like to think that maybe someone will take the time to read it at my funeral in the event of my death, but if not...I doubt I'll really care much.

Hi guys,

It's me. I know its weird cause I am, ya know...dead and stuff, but there are some things I thought you should know.

I want to say that, whatever wonderful things anyone else says about me today, I am just a regular old mess, just like everybody else. I struggle on a daily basis in so many ways. I could sit here and take up pages and pages telling you all the ways that I fall short, all the sins I struggle with, all the times I fail, but I won't. Mostly, what I want you to know is that even though I have fallen so short in my life, I serve a God who makes something out of nothing. He takes things that are broken and messy and makes them beautiful. All that I am, all that I have ever done, is because I have a God who loves me in a way that I am, only this side of heaven, finally able to grasp. It is God in me that does awesome things because without Him I have nothing to offer.

All of my talents, my sense of humor, my passion, my heart, everything that I am is a gift for God in me. His grace to me is not without effect. He has lavished His blessing and mercy in my life with such a bounty I cannot express it. I am completely sinful and He is completely good. 

But Christ took my sin to the cross and because of that I can say with complete confidence that, if I am gone from this world, I am kneeling in the presence of my Savior. My life is now complete. I am now finally whole.

Family and friends, I love you more than words can express, but do not be sad for me. Rejoice with me. I hope that I have lived my life in a way that you have know doubt where I stand. I hope today, while you may miss me on this earth your heart is smiling with this thought, "Yes, she is finally home, she is with her Jesus. She always loved Him so." 

More than anything I want to tell you about my Jesus. He is the answer to every question. He is hope in the face of every heartache. He is strength when you are weak. He is courage when you are afraid. He is everything. Do not miss the chance to know Him. Fling yourself into His arms and let Him carry you through whatever this life tosses at you. He will never leave, never fail, never turn His back on you. He is relentlessly faithful, unconditionally loving and cannot help but to be good. Give Him your whole heart, not part of it, all of it. You will NEVER regret one moment that you spend passionately following Jesus.

The only regrets I have in this life, are the times I failed to listen to my Savior's voice.

I don't know how much life I will live after writing these words, but I know this; no matter how broken the road, or how many times I fall along the way, I will keep getting up and running after Christ. I want to pour out this whole earthly life getting to know more and more about Jesus and following wherever He leads.

"And when my spirit clothed immortal, wings it's flight to realms of day. This my song through endless ages, Jesus led me all the way."


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