my job
Today was a bit of an odd day for me. I had to drive to the State capitol for a statewide meeting of homeless service providers.
I wont lie to you. As a believer I tend to struggle at these sorts of meetings. As I sit there and listen to people wax eloquent about all the ways we are going to solve the problem of homelessness, I always have a hard time agreeing wholeheartedly with what they are saying.
As a follower of Christ Jesus serving the homeless, I see them in a different light than my counterparts in the world do. I look at there situation from a different platform.
Yes, at the end of the day what causes someone to be homeless is technically that they don't have a house. But the Lord has made it clear to me in working in the poverty industry that I can supply physical needs and that is all well and good, but it should always be done in the light of reaching the real issues that lie in there heart.
All of the brokenness that exists in this world, homelessness included, is a result of sin. Period.
I compounded my issues with this meeting by listening to the book, "Tramp for the Lord" by Corrie TenBoom as I drove.
I listened to fantastic stories of God doing what only God can do, then tried to sit and listen to sinful men figure out how to solve problems in human strength that can only truly be solved by the Lord.
It made me so grateful to work in a Christian Ministry where I am encouraged to speak the Gospel to my clients. It made me cherish the fact the my "business" is one that values prayer and believes in the miracles of God.
As I drove home tonight I returned in time to attend a very different kind of meeting. One where we sat together as a staff and shared about struggles. Challenged one another to follow Christ and to love our clients the way that He loves.
Tonight, very simply, I am thankful for my job.
I am thankful for the homeless people I serve and the team that I serve them with.
I am thankful for a boss who is loving, tender and compassionate, not only to the clients but to her staff. I am blessed to serve under a woman who leads by example and emulates Christ to me. She listens when I rant and gives counsel, correction and guidance.
I am thankful for the team of women that God has placed me on. None of us are perfect but each of us is there for a reason. I love to see our team interact with the clients in our individual ways.
I am thankful for my clients. They are beautiful and complicated. They are made in the image of Jesus. They are HIS sons and His daughters and I am proud to call them my friends.
As I think of all the different things that have filled my mind today through my meetings, my work and even my book I am reminded once more, that Jesus is the only answer to every question.
I am thankful for the shed blood of Christ that He sacrificed on my behalf. I am thankful that He rose from the grave and conquered sin and death once and for all. I am thankful that He reaches out His hand to anyone who will accept it.
He is hope. He is home. He is the answer to all of the questions.
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