prepare Him room

This morning I woke up with the song "Joy to the World" dancing through my head.

The line that kept jumping out in my mind was "let every heart, prepare Him room."

It made me think, what am I cluttering my heart with? What takes up space in my heart that has no place there?

Feelings of unworthiness?
Relationships that the Lord has not ordained?

I got to thinking today about my laundry.

With all the chaos of life, my laundry has gotten a little out of hand. Mind you, most of it is clean. I just cannot seem to make myself attack the three baskets of clean piles. So there they sit, getting rumpled, tangled, mixed in with the dirty laundry.

The more I fail to address it, the more the pile seems to grow and the more daunting it becomes in my mind.

Isn't it the same with the messiness of our heart. The more we ignore it and hold onto it, the more difficult it becomes to deal with it. It grows until it seems like an impossible task.

When you know you have company coming to your home, you tidy up. How much more should we focus our attention on tidying our hearts. Me first.

I have prayed so many times during the course of this journey, "Lord, I want to follow hard after you, and I want you to have my whole heart, but it's messy in there. Please be gentle."

Praying that as I take time this advent to prepare my heart to receive the King of Kings, I will trust the Lord to help me clear away the clutter. I want to believe that He has my best interest in mind when He strips things away that are taking up space that only He should fill.

Let my heart, prepare Him room...


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