I'm sitting in the car, writing this post in my phone before I go into the house because when I do...I may simply collapse.
It has been a LONG day.
I wear a lot of hats.
One of those hats at the mission is that of data and stats guru. This is somewhat hilarious but it's true. I have never fancied myself good at either but the Lord works in mysterious ways and I find myself doing things that I don't feel capable of every single day.
Tonight I did a little "data clean up." We have recently adapted to a new system for data tracking. It's very new to our staff and we are all still in a learning process. It's a process that has consumed me as I have, for MONTHS lives and breathed this system.
Tonight as I poke some holes in our early data entry efforts and discovered some areas of training that will need a little clarity, it occurred to me.
A data tracking system is only as good as the data we put into it.
I know that's not earth shattering but it occurred to me beyond that. Most things are only as good as what you put in. Even our walk with the Lord.
He will always work harder than us and do the bigger thing, but there usually has to be some motion on our part. Pray. Obedience. Something.
Sometimes I deal with people who say things like, "well God never did anything for me" or "I just am not hearing from Him."
I have to wonder, well what are you putting in. If you want Him to move, are you moving in obedience to Him? If you want to hear His voice are you spending time in His words?
Praise God His works are NOT contingent on us BUT He loves when we pursue Him. When we choose obedience or spend time with Him He is glorified.
On the other hand, if we want good thing to flow out of us, we have to put them in.
Just like data...
So ask yourself this...what did I input today?
It has been a LONG day.
I wear a lot of hats.
One of those hats at the mission is that of data and stats guru. This is somewhat hilarious but it's true. I have never fancied myself good at either but the Lord works in mysterious ways and I find myself doing things that I don't feel capable of every single day.
Tonight I did a little "data clean up." We have recently adapted to a new system for data tracking. It's very new to our staff and we are all still in a learning process. It's a process that has consumed me as I have, for MONTHS lives and breathed this system.
Tonight as I poke some holes in our early data entry efforts and discovered some areas of training that will need a little clarity, it occurred to me.
A data tracking system is only as good as the data we put into it.
I know that's not earth shattering but it occurred to me beyond that. Most things are only as good as what you put in. Even our walk with the Lord.
He will always work harder than us and do the bigger thing, but there usually has to be some motion on our part. Pray. Obedience. Something.
Sometimes I deal with people who say things like, "well God never did anything for me" or "I just am not hearing from Him."
I have to wonder, well what are you putting in. If you want Him to move, are you moving in obedience to Him? If you want to hear His voice are you spending time in His words?
Praise God His works are NOT contingent on us BUT He loves when we pursue Him. When we choose obedience or spend time with Him He is glorified.
On the other hand, if we want good thing to flow out of us, we have to put them in.
Just like data...
So ask yourself this...what did I input today?
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