a plea for prayer

I was laying in my bed at a little after 10:30, writing my blog when my phone rang.

A while back, when all the bad things were happening, we were prayer walking through the shelter. As I was praying I felt the Lord whisper, "this is what I have you hear for, to train you in warfare. The warfare you are experiencing is only scratching the surface of what you will see."

I hoped and prayed that He meant me personally and not the shelter. Our team of ladies has been through so much.

Yet tonight...my phone rang.

The warfare continues, some of the deepest I've known.

The sorrow and heartbreak is real and widespread.

I'm writing this tonight at nearly 3 am.

It's not the blog I set out to write.

It's not the blog I wanted to write.

But I am writing to beg you to pray.

Pray for the mission.

Pray for our staff.

Pray for our clients.

Pray for healing.

Pray for hope to reign supreme.

I don't have the words to explain it all right now. My heart is heavy and I am weary.

Please pray for life in the face of death.

Please pray for miracles.

Please pray for comfort.

I don't know what tomorrow will hold...ok today, I know it won't be easy. But I know who holds it and because of that, I will walk boldly on.

Today with a client, I read these words...

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the LORD, "My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."
Psalms 91:1-2

Crawling into His lap, so that I can dwell in the shelter of the most high.


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