a cry for our nation...
We are on the precipice of a new era in our nation, as we
are before any president is inaugurated into office.
Honestly, social media makes completely ill at this point. I
am so tired of everyone’s opinions. I am weary of how our bickering is dividing
a nation that once claimed to be “one nation under God.”
Whatever you feeling is about the man who will begin his
occupation of the oval office tomorrow, please remind yourself of this:
God has never stopped being in control.
He makes no mistakes.
Nothing that happens in this world, good, bad or otherwise
happens without His consent.
Also remember this, you may dislike the politics and
personality of our governing leaders on either side of the fence but constantly
spewing opinions on one side or the other will rarely help the situation.
I am, honestly embarrassed by what our nation must look like
to the rest of the globe right now. We are acting like spoiled rich kids,
bickering amongst ourselves and starting drama simply to start it. We are
showing that we cannot and will not accept any opinion that is not our own.
Hate is being hurled in every direction, not just from the President Elect.
My heart is so sad at the behavior of this nation. We cannot
seem to respect one another let alone love each other.
And believers…Oh my brothers and sisters, when will we open
our eyes to the fact that there is something going on here that is far more eternal
that we can even comprehend? When will
we let go of our own opinions and embrace God’s? We need to put down the signs
and lay down the hate on both sides of this and embrace the chance for unity.
We. Have. So. Much.
I work with the homeless and it is amazing to me how much the
people who we count as the least of these in society actually have. In
comparison to the world we know NOTHING about poverty. We are trying to fix
problems in a political realm that can only be fixed through power of Christ
Jesus. We cannot put our hope in man. They fail. ALL of them.
Even women fail…Hilary.
They are sinners.
We are sinners.
Even in our best efforts we will never really get anywhere.
This is to the church of Christ Jesus…It is time to rise up
and be the Church.
It is time to stop getting so tied up on what my opinion is
or what your opinion is and love the way Christ loved. He loves the vilest of
sinners…even Donald Trump. He loved liars, tax collectors, thieves, Pharisees,
prostitutes and every other manner of human being.
We need to be humbled.
We need to be SILENT.
We need to be still and know that God is still God. He has
never stopped being God.
Our hope doesn’t come from a president, a policy, a poll. It
doesn’t come from money, status or even freedom. Every single thing on earth
will fail us outside of the Lord.
We need to crawl on our knees before a holy God and confess
that we have made an idol of ourselves, our culture, our opinions and even our
nation. We need to beg for revival to sweep from east to west, north to south and
from the most famous and powerful to the very least of these brothers of mine.
If you hate the new president, confess it and then pray for him. If you hate
your neighbors opinion or worldview, confess it and pray for unity.
We need to turn off the GARBAGE that we set before our
minds. We need to stop giving power and status to things of the flesh. We need
to walk as men and woman of integrity not justifying worldliness but actively
and passionately pursuing holiness. We are so wrapped up in reality shows, new
broadcasts, the next hilarious youtube video, social media and every other form
of nonsense, that Bibles sit idle and dusty as we stare at the box in our
Wake up brothers!
Wake up sisters!
We have to make a decision, who do you serve?
“Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is
a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have
seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen.” 1 John 4:20
I want to serve Christ. I want to love as He loved.
I want to love the
drug addicted, the prostitutes, the homeless, the politicians, the homosexuals,
the feminists, the rednecks, the liberals, the conservatives, the religious, the humanists, the agnostics and the atheists, the powerful and the powerless, the ignorant and the arrogant. I want to be able
to love the most difficult people in our society. I want to love with no consideration of race, size ethnicity, disability. I want to love without question or pause because that is how Christ loved. We are all sinners.
Will I always agree with everyone? No. Will I seek to love and
serve everyone without prejudice? Yes, yes, yes.
My Savior as He took MY sin and hung on a cross, preached
His greatest sermon of all when He forgave those who had hung Him there. How
can I show any less love, compassion and forgiveness than my Savior?
Do I always do this well? No. Not even close. But every day,
more and more I want to draw closer to the Lord so that I can recognize the
beat of His heart and live in the same rhythm.
So as uncertain days lie ahead of us, lets pray. Let’s approach
the throne of grace with confidence asking the Lord to awaken us once again.
Let’s pray for our president.
Let’s pray for all of the other leaders.
Let’s pray for our former presidents.
Let’s pray for our military.
Let’s pray for celebrities.
Let’s pray for the influencers.
Let’s pray for the broken, the hurting, the lost, the weary.
Let us pray and let us rise up wearing the armor of Christ
ready to stand for His truth and be vessels of His love, NO MATTER WHAT.
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