sitting in the mess

My words got lost yesterday. I wrote some, but I don't remember where. I am tired. 

It has been a long, full and somewhat draining week. I am exactly sure why, but it has.

I will say this, this week a set a few visible and measurable goals for myself and hey were good for me. I worked hard and saw them through. Yes, I may still be trudging thing my room past baskets of laundry that need to be handled. Yes the other side of my bed my currently be occupied by books, notebooks and a few clean laundry items. 

But for some reason those piles that are stressing me out just a tinge are also a valuable reminder to me. 

Sometimes life is messy and I so desperately want to fix it and clean up the mess. But sometimes I need to take my eyes off the mess and focus on something else. No, it doesn't make the mess go away. Yes, eventually the mess needs to be cleaned up. Sometimes, however, it's ok to admit, I just don't have what it takes to fix this right now! 

We shouldn't wallow in it but I think there are moments to sit in the mess and realize that life isn't about perfection. It's about small steps of obedience.

I'm tired. I'm imperfect. My life is a bit messy right now. 

That's ok. 


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