best friends

So by way of a bit of confession I need to start this one by reminding you that I am really quite far from achieve righteousness and holiness. This being said I will continue to pursue it. Anyway, now that that is off my chest hopefully you will judge me less harshly when I divulge to you that I really have, for quite sometime, harbored genuine disdain for the worship song, "Friend of God."

I always feel tricked by it. 

It starts out so great.

"Who am I that you are mindful of me, that you hear me, when I call. Is it true that you are thinking of me? It's amazing."

Then you hit this repetitive chorus that simply says,

"I am a friend of God, I am a friend of God, I am a friend of God, He calls me friend."

Now, I don't know if it's the repetitiveness, or the tune, or what exactly it is that bugs me about this but suffice it to say, I find it irritating. 

I'm telling you that to say, because of whatever reason I have disliked this song, I have missed the beauty of its message. Perhaps I never really came to a deep and true understanding of what it looks like to be a friend of God. Obviously from my last post you can see that I am realizing He is more than just a friend.

He is the lover of my soul.

I am not abandoned, forsaken or forgotten. I am loved, pursued and wooed with a passion that cannot be matched. 

Now, this will sound silly but I'm just going to go there. Some of the idea of romance that I have always carried with me as a bit of a romantic soul has come from my favorite books. Some of which, I have not failed to mention, are the Anne Shirley series, Anne of Green Gables etc.

This means one of my first crushes in life was OF COURSE on Gilbert Blythe. He was sweet, long-suffering and endured all type of rejection from Anne before she realized his value. 

I realized today that my Jesus, is the ultimate Gilbert Blythe. His affection for me has been unwavering even when I have chased ideals outside of Him. He never walked away and he never gave up. He, just like Gilbert was for Anne, was always just waiting for me to come to my senses and surrender to His deep love for me. 

But you know what made the love between Anne and Gilbert so lovely? They were friends, best friends. I am realizing that I am a friend of God. Friends love you where you are at and if they really love you, they call you deeper, just like my Jesus. 

I want Jesus to be my best friend and my great love story. He is my Gilbert Blythe and so much more than that. 

He is my everything. 


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