
This morning as I walked over to church, I felt the wind and knew it would be a great day to fly a kite.

So for Sunday school we hiked out a kite and began to fly it.

For my lesson with the kids we had an object lesson about the kite. It was one that resonated with me as I tend to be a person who has constant mountains of stress in my life.

We are the kite.

The kite, in order to fly needs to be in the hands of someone who knows what they are doing...that would be the Lord.

The wind is like the Holy Spirit, it carries us and guides our path.

The thing that stood out to me however is what happens with the string. You see, is a kite is going to go anywhere at all I has to have a certain amount of tension on the string.

Tension is defined as the state of being stretched tight.

A good kite flier knows just the right amount of tensions to put on the string. Too little and the kite will spiral out of control and crash. Too much and the string will break.

We are in the hands of a VERY able kite master. He knows EXACTLY how much tension to allow in order for us to soar to the highest heights. We just simply have to allow the Holy Spirit to guilds us and to carry us and trust that the master knows EXACTLY what to do.


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