
Last night I didn't get the words all out, I started, but I couldn't make them make sense.

I fully intended to clean up my thoughts this morning and still post something for yesterday but then life happened.

I am feeling like I have a touch of the flu, it's going around at work. I came home and crashed last night only wake up and try to function in an exhausted stupor for a while then crash again. I slept hard.

So hard I never heard my alarm when it rang off.

So all my best laid plans of morning work outs and fixing my blog post flew out the window.

The thing I was trying to write about was my Lenten resolution to work on simplifying my life.

This is hilarious to me because today was anything but simple. I trudged through the day carrying millions of binders and trying to do three jobs at one time. I came home exhausted and wanted to spend the evening under a mountain of covers in my bed. Instead I spent the evening under a mountain of boxes attempting to help my grandmother move.

I didn't run, but I barely stopped moving for the past 16 hours so I am going to let it slide.

I didn't accomplish the things I wanted to today but I did manage to scrape by by accomplishing the things I NEEDED to so, I guess that's a win.

I spent the entire day feeling like I was behind before I even started. Like everyone took off running before I did and all I could do was scramble to catch up.

I'm tired.

I really don't feel great.

I want to stop the world.

I want to slow things down and take a moment to savor and enjoy all the Lord has for me.

I want to stop functioning in a state of frenzy and start functioning in a state of fullness.

I want to strip away everything that isn't necessary and keep only what is edifying.

I want to simplify.


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