shedding the weight!

Ok. I'm back to reality and I have thoughts and things to say.

Did you know I hate math.

It's true, I detest it. I'm not good at it.

When teachers used to say, "you won't have a calculator with you everywhere you go," it used to terrify me. Thank the Lord for iPhones proving those teachers wrong or I would never know how to leave a tip.

With that being said, today, I like math. I like it very much.

I'll get to why.

I need to lay a little foundation first.

I don't know if you know this (wink wink) but five months and one day ago I set out on a path of obedience to consecrate myself mind, body and soul.

It's been bumpy and terribly imperfect because let's be real, I am bumpy and terribly imperfect.

I set out very task and rule oriented convinced that if I could perfectly obey the hints the Lord had laid on my heart I would see changes in my life.

And I did and I did.

I became a finisher in ways that I had never imagined. I cranked out blogs and miles and bottles of water without fail. Until I failed.

Yes, I saw changes in my heart as I walked in obedience but I saw little change anywhere else, particularly my body. It was frustrating because I was WORKING so hard. I was doing all the things you are supposed to do.

So, just as He was speaking to me in obedience, the Lord began to speak to me in my failure as well. It wasn't just in relation to my lack of weight loss and physical change, instead, it was in relation what true obedience looks like.

For a long time I have thought I was a "Mary" seeking Jesus and sitting at His feet, but over the last five months I have learned what a "Martha" I truly am.

I am a workhorse. I do the things I am supposed to do.

I will work for my Savior until I'm about to drop, but He is showing me that He never asked me to do that. He is showing me that He wants me to make sure that in all the work, I also make room for rest and self care.

This is totally a foreign and bizarre concept to me and yet I can see that I need to be filled up in order to see the real change I want to see.

Similarly, with my physical body He has given me a powerful illustration.

When I started this, I was beating my body and depriving myself of almost everything "good." I ate veggie and lean meats (fish or chicken) primarily and some fruit.

For the most part my food was boring and bland but I ate it because that's the food you eat to lose weight. Except I wasn't.

I lost almost nothing. All this work, all this commitment, all this self deprivation and I saw almost no result.

Just shortly after the new year I was doing a little pinteristing (I like to read ALL the articles) and found a particular "diet" that I decided to look into. It seemed LUDICROUS to me and flew in the face of everything I had been trying to this point. (I'm not here to explain all the details of a diet plan to you, (if you want to know more message me) but what I am saying is that the type of eating plan seemed foreign and bizarre to me.

How could I eat foods that were high in fat and dare I say decadent and see results?

But I decided I would give it one month try. What did I have to lose?

Very quickly I noticed somethings. My body/energy was different. The scale was moving. I slept harder. I was hungry less. My cravings went away.

I'm telling you that to tell you this, looking back this is such a powerful picture to me of what the Lord is trying to show me about my walk with Him.

It shouldn't be a crushing walk when we are walking in obedience. We should have a different energy. We should see results. We should have less cravings for thing outside of Christ because we are so filled with Him.

Do you see what I am saying?

This is changing me from the inside out. I am not just losing the weight physically I am losing the weight spiritually.

Oh yeah and do you know why I decided today that I like math so much?

Four of my closest friends hopped on the same plan as I am on with our food and I hope similar paths in their hearts as well.

Today I did some math, physically in just about two months, we have shed 67.5 lbs between us.

I like that math.

I am proud to lay down the weight in every way that I can.


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