I am nestled in on an old pink recliner in the basement of my brother's new home. It's been another long day and tomorrow we will rise very early to finish the job. As I sit here thinking of things to write, there are a couple different thoughts in my mind. Instead of picking one or the other I am briefly going to write both. The first is this, I did a lot of manual labor tonight. I sometimes struggle with the role of my Godly femininity because, by virtue of my physical make up and my situation in life (unattached) I seem prone to finding myself in manual labor situations. What I mean by that is that is: A.) I am sturdy. I am not just overweight, I am big. I have broad shoulders, strong legs am able to do bulky work. B.) Because I am single I often find myself with no other choice but to do this type of labor myself. For instance, laying flooring, moving a piano around my house, pushing cars out of NUMEROUS precarious situations or my very favorite, changing my own flat ...