nothing else matters
Over the course of this year, I have walked through a lot of loss. In the time that I have worked at the shelter, I have not had a year like this year. I have had multiple clients die or go through incredibly horrible situations. It has happened in all manner of ways, from suicide attempts and successes, accidental overdoses, tragic accidents, violent crimes, even glorious home goings after arduous battling with cancer. If I sat and thought about it I could come up with a total count of the loss. I could come up with names, faces and stories. This is on my brain because just this morning we held a small memorial for yet another lady who is no longer with us. It got me thinking. Every story is different. Every life was unique. But if I had to guess, I think that if they all could talk to us now they would all say the same thing. Live for the Lord. Nothing. Else. Matters. There is an old quote that my dad repeats sometimes, “Only one life will soon be pas...